Parish Bulletin, 20th May, 2012 – The Ascension of the Lord, Year B

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Posted on by on May 20th, 2012 | 0 Comments »

Dear Parishioners,

This weekend you will be asked to take home with you a commitment form. Every two years we are called, as a community, to reflect on how we are contributing to the life of our parish and to commit ourselves in some way to being more fully involved. In the first reading today we will hear Christ call the apostles  to be his witnesses “to the ends of the earth”. He expects no less of us; we must witness to our faith in Jesus Christ in thought and word and action. God has planted unique gifts in each one of us, to be used for the good of all. Please take home the commitment form and over the week, consider how God is calling you to use your gifts. At Masses next weekend you will be asked to complete the form and commit  in some way to serving your community. Read more…

« Autumn in the Columbarium
Parish Bulletin, 27th May, 2012 – Pentecost Sunday, Year B. »


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