Carmelite Spirituality

Outline of the Writings of Teresa of Avila

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Outline of the Writings of Teresa of Avila

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Outline of the writings of St. John of the Cross

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Outline of the writings of St. John of the Cross

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St. Raphael Kalinowski

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St.Raphael Kalinowski was born to Polish parents in the city of Wilno, Lithuania in 1835. After military service, he was in 1864 condemned to ten years of forced labour in Siberia. In 1877 he joined the Discalccd Carmelite Order and in 1882 was ordained a priest. He brought about the restoration of the Order in Poland and guided its growth. His life was distinguished bv his zeal for Church unity and by his unflagging devotion to the ministry as a confessor and spiritual director. He died in 1907.He was both beatified and canonized by Pope John Paul 11.His Memorial is kept on November 19th.

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