Altar Servers



To provide assistance to the Celebrant during the Liturgy.

Key Activities

Serving at week-end Masses and special occasions.


Chris Yapp

contactable via the Parish Office    08 9276 8500


About Us:
The Altar Server Core group looks after the Training, Formation and Spiritual well being of their charges. Initially a training course of five one hour sessions will be given to the new servers. After which further training and formation is provided as and when necessary. The servers participate in the weekly Liturgy on a rostered basis. It has been custom and practice to provide the servers with two Fun events during the year to show our appreciation for their efforts. During these events a little formation is also included to re- establish what has been taught and to highlight and correct any mistakes that have been observed during the course of the year. We are always on the lookout for new servers. To be eligible the child must have received First Holy Communion. Further information is available from the Coordinators.

There is no doubt that this Ministry provides the participants with a continuing Faith formation and Spiritual enhancement to hold them in good stead in later life.


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