Choirs – Music Ministry


Judy David – is the parish Music Coordinator. She looks after the choir leaders, liaise with the friars and the parish office, and making sure that the copyright is adhered to.

On the 3rd Sunday of each month, the 9.30am Mass is an adapted liturgy for the inclusion of those with an intellectual disability.

The 9.30am Mass choirs are led by Linda D’Cruise and adapted liturgy with PAS

The 6pm Sunday choirs are led by John Taylor, Jorge and Lenny Ong.

The Youth Choir led by Tessie and Orlando provide the music at the 6pm Mass on the 4th  Sunday of the month.

The 6pm Saturday evening choir is led by Bernie Kolay, Tracey Hardiman and Aini.


COMBINED CHOIRS come together for special Feast Days and Events.

Contact: Parish office at 9286 8500


Please feel free to contact Judy or any of our Choir Leaders if you wish to join a choir, choir practice times or need more information on the music ministry.  Alternatively you may contact the Choir Leaders through the parish office 9276 8500 or


Read more on the Music Ministry here.




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